Energy Week Black Sea 2024
Our colleague, Daniel Marius Vlasceanu, participated in to the first day PPA panel of the EnergyWeekBlackSea event and spoke about the Guaranteesoforigin (i.e. what is required to unlock a Romanian GO market and what tremendous benefits could be gained out of it).
It’s been a pleasure to take part in the PPA panel of the first day of the EnergyWeekBlackSea event. One pivotal element to any PPAnegotiation revolves around the GuaranteesofOrigin (GOs). The existing Romanian legal framework allows for transfer of GOs outside the country's borders. The creation of a GOs domestic market (connected to the rest of the GOs markets in EU) primarily depends on Romania becoming a member to AIB - Association of Issuing Bodies. Once a GO Romanian market will be created, multiple long-term benefits for the developers, industrial consumers, traders and the market regulator will be unlocked.

Energy Tech Day 2024
Our colleague, Daniel Marius Vlasceanu, participated in to the first day PPA panel of the EnergyWeekBlackSea event and spoke about the Guaranteesoforigin (i.e. what is required to unlock a Romanian GO market and what tremendous benefits could be gained out of it).
It’s been a pleasure to take part in the PPA panel of the first day of the EnergyWeekBlackSea event. One pivotal element to any PPAnegotiation revolves around the GuaranteesofOrigin (GOs). The existing Romanian legal framework allows for transfer of GOs outside the country's borders. The creation of a GOs domestic market (connected to the rest of the GOs markets in EU) primarily depends on Romania becoming a member to AIB - Association of Issuing Bodies. Once a GO Romanian market will be created, multiple long-term benefits for the developers, industrial consumers, traders and the market regulator will be unlocked.