Legal Newsletter
Masuri de sprijin incepand cu data de 1 iunie 2020
Stefan Ene – Of Counsel
30 Mai 2020
In data de 29 mai 2020 a fost publicata in Monitorul Oficial Ordonanta de Urgenta a Guvernului nr. 92/ 2020 pentru instituirea unor masuri active de sprijin destinate angajatilor si angajatorilor in contextul situatiei epidemiologice determinate de raspandirea coronavirusului SARS-CoV-2, precum si pentru modificarea unor acte normative (“OUG nr. 92/2020”).
Masurile introduse de OUG nr. 92/2020 vor intra in vigoare incepand cu data de 1.06.2020.
I. Decontarea partiala a salariului
Incepand cu 1 iunie 2020, in domeniile in care nu se mentin restrictii, angajatorii ai caror angajati au beneficiat in prealabil de indemnizatie de somaj tehnic (indiferent daca aceasta a fost suportata de stat sau de catre angajator) si ale caror contracte de munca sunt mentinute, beneficiaza, de decontarea unei parti din salariu de catre stat, in urmatoarele conditii:
- pentru o perioada de 3 luni;
- 41,5% din salariul de baza brut corespunzator locului de munca ocupat, dar
- nu mai mult de 41,5% din castigul salarial mediu brut reglementat la nivel national (i.e. 5.429 RON).
Masura de sprijin este aplicabila numai pentru salariatii care au avut o durată a suspendării a contractului de muncă de minim 15 zile în perioada stării de urgenţă sau de alertă.
Angajatorii au obligatia sa mentina raporturile de munca pana la data de 31 decembrie 2020 (exceptand lucratorii sezonieri si situatiile in care contractul de munca inceteaza din motive neimputabile angajatorului).
II. Documente necesare pentru decontare
Angajatorii depun la agentiile pentru ocuparea fortei de munca judetene urmatoarele documente:
- cerere a reprezentantului legal;
- declaratie pe propria raspundere;
- lista persoanelor beneficiare.
III. Plata salariului. Decontarea de catre stat
Angajatorii au obligatia de a efectua plata (integrala) a salariilor angajatilor.
Decontarea de catre stat se efectueaza in termen de cel mult 10 zile de la data indeplinirii cumulative a urmatoarelor conditii:
- obligatiilor declarative;
- platii salariilor;
Agentiile pentru ocuparea fortei de munca verifica indeplinirea celor doua conditii mai sus mentionate anterior efectuarii platilor.
IV. Incadrarea in munca a anumitor categorii de persoane in intervalul 1 iunie - 31 decembrie
Angajatorii care incadreaza in munca:
- pe perioada nedeterminata;
- cu norma intreaga;
- persoane in varsta de peste 50 de ani ale caror contracte de munca au incetat din motive neimputabile lor pe perioada starii de urgenta/ alerta sau persoane cu varsta cuprinsa intre 16 si 29 de ani, inregistrati ca someri in evidenta agentiilor pentru ocuparea fortei de munca.
Beneficiaza lunar, pe o perioada de 12 luni, pentru fiecare angajat, de 50% din salariul angajatului, dar nu mai mult de 2.500 de lei.
Angajatorii au obligatia mentinerii raporturilor de munca pentru o perioada de 12 luni (calculata de la implinirea termenului de 12 luni pe durata careia au beneficiat de aceasta masura de sprijin).
V. Sanctiuni
In cazul in care angajatorii inceteaza raporturile de munca implinirii perioadelor minime obligatorii mentionate mai sus pentru urmatoarele motive precum (i) acordul partilor, (ii) constatarea nulitatii absolute a contractului de munca, (iii) admiterea cererii de reintegrare in functia ocupata de salariat a unei persoane concediate nelegal sau (iv) pentru motive care nu tin de persoana salariatului, angajatorii sunt obligati la restituirea tuturor sumelor de care au beneficiat plus dobanda de referinta a Bancii Nationale a Romaniei.
Acest newsletter a fost pregatit exclusiv in scop de informare generala si nu se va interpreta ca si consultanta juridica. In masura in care considerati util sa aflati mai multe despre aspectele ce fac obiectul acestui newsletter, va rugam sa ne contactati.
30 Mai 2020
On 29 Mai 2020, the Government Emergency Ordinance no 92/2020 regarding the establishment of certain support measures for the employees and employers in the context of the epidemiological situation determined by the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, as well as for the amendment of certain normative acts (“GEO no 92/2020”) was published in the Official Gazette.
The support measures brought by GEO no 92/2020 shall enter into force as of 1 June 2020.
I.The partial settlement of the wage
Starting with 1 June 2020, in those economic domains where no restrictions are preserved, the employers whose employees benefited from the technical unemployment indemnity (irrespective if such indemnity was borne by the state or by the employer) and whose labor agreements are maintained, shall benefit of a partial settlement of the wage, as following:
- for 3 months period;
- 41.5% of gross wage corresponding to the occupied position, yet
- without exceeding 41.5% of the gross national medium wage (i.e. RON 5,429).
The support measure shall be applicable only for those employees whose labor agreements were suspended for at least 15 days during the state of emergency or alert.
The employers are obliged to maintain the employment relations until 31 December 2020 (except for the seasonal workers and where the labor agreement is terminated without the fault of the employer).
II. Necessary documents for the settlement
The employers shall submit to the county employment agencies the following documents:
- a request signed by the legal representative;
- a written statement;
- a list of the beneficiaries (employees).
III. Payment of the wages. Settlement by the state
The employers shall make the (full) payment of the employees’ wages.
The settlement by the state is made within maximum 10 days from the date of the cumulative fulfillment of the following conditions:
- the declarative statements;
- payment of the wages;
The employment agencies shall verify the fulfillment of the two conditions above- mentioned, prior to making the payments.
IV. Employment of certain categories of individuals between 1 June - 31 December
Employers who hire for:
- for an indeterminate period;
- for full time;
- persons over 50 years whose labor agreements were terminated for reasons not attributable to them during the emergency or alert period or persons aged between 16-29 years, registered as unemployed at the employment agencies.
Shall benefit, for a period of 12 months, for each employee, of 50% of the employee’s wage, but without exceeding RON 2,500.
The employers are obliged to maintain the employment relations for a period of 12 months (computed as of the fulfilment of the 12 months period during which they benefited from this measure).
V. Sanctions
In case the employers terminate the employment relations prior to the above-mentioned minimum periods, having as cause (i) the agreement of the parties, (ii) nullity of the labor agreement, (iii) admitting of the request for reinstatement in the position of an employee illegally dismissed or (iv) for reasons not related to the employee.
The employers are obliged to reimburse all the received amounts plus the reference interest of the National Bank of Romania
This newsletter was prepared solely for general information purposes and shall not be construed in any way as legal advice. Should you find it useful and want to know more about the issues presented herein, please do not hesitate to contact us.