Legal Newsletter
Modificarea somajului tehnic pe perioada starii de urgenta
Stefan Ene – Of Counsel
31 Martie 2020
In data 30 Martie 2020, a fost publicata in Monitorul Oficial Ordonanta de Urgenta nr. 32/2020 (“OUG nr. 32/2020”) pentru modificarea si completarea Ordonantei de Urgenta nr. 30/2020.
OUG nr. 32/2020 a intrat in vigoare la data de 30.03.2020.
I. Noutati privind beneficiarii indemnizatiei de somaj tehnic
De indemnizatiile decontate de catre stat beneficiaza salariatii oricarui angajator care isi reduce sau intrerupe temporar activitatea (total sau partial) ca urmare a efectelor epidemiei coronavirusului SARS-CoV-2, pe perioada starii de urgenţa.
Prin urmare
- angajatorii pot beneficia de indemnizatia decontata de stat pentru toti salariatii care au contractele individuale de munca suspendate pentru motivul mentionat mai sus.
Limitarea la cel mult 75% din totalul salariatilor unui angajator, prevazuta in forma anterioara a OUG nr. 30/2020, a fost eliminata.
- acordarea indemnizatiei nu mai este conditionata de dovada diminuarii incasarilor cu cel putin 25% fata de media incasarilor din perioada ianuarie – februarie 2020.
Indemnizatia acordata de stat poate fi suplimentata de angajator cu sume reprezentand diferenţa de pana la minim 75% din salariul de baza, in conformitate cu prevederile art. 53 alin. (1) din Codul Muncii.
Angajatii care au incheiate mai multe contracte individuale de munca, dintre care cel putin un contract individual de munca este activ pe aceasta perioada, nu beneficiaza de indemnizatie.
In situatia in care toate contractele individuale de munca sunt suspendate, angajatii mentionati mai sus vor beneficia de indemnizatie (aceasta se va calcula prin raportarea procentului de 75% la contractul de munca cu drepturile salariale cele mai avantajoase).
II. Noutati privind documentele pe care angajatorii trebuie sa le depuna la agentiile de ocupare a fortei de munca pentru transferul indemnizatiilor:
- cerere (conform unui model care urmeaza a fi aprobat);
- lista salariatilor care urmeaza sa beneficieze de aceasta indemnizaţie, semnata de reprezentantul legal al angajatorului.
III. Noutati privind plata indemnizatiei
Agentiile de ocupare a fortei de munca au obligatia de a transfera indemnizatiile in conturile bancare ale angajatorilor in termen de cel mult 15 zile de la depunerea solicitarii.
Angajatorii au obligatia de a efectua plata indemnizatiilor catre salariati in termen de 3 zile lucratoare de la primirea indemnizatiilor de la stat.
Acest newsletter a fost pregatit exclusiv in scop de informare generala si nu se va interpreta ca si consultanta juridica. In masura in care considerati util sa aflati mai multe despre aspectele ce fac obiectul acestui newsletter, va rugam sa ne contactati.
31 March 2020
On 30 March 2020, the Government Emergency Ordinance no 32/2020 (“GEO no 32/2020”) for the amendment and completion of Government Emergency no 30/ 2020 has been published in the Romanian Official Gazette.
GEO no 32/2020 entered into force on 30 March 2020.
I. Novelties regarding the beneficiaries of the technical unemployment indemnification
The indemnification shall be granted to the employees of any employer temporarily reducing or suspending its activity (totally or partially) as a result of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemy, during the emergency state period.
As such:
- the employers may benefit from the indemnification granted by the state for all their employees having their individual labor contracts suspended due to the above-mentioned reason.
The limitation to maximum 75% of the total number of employees, regulated under the initial version of the GEO no 30/2020, was removed.
- the payment of the indemnification is no longer conditioned by the proof that the income of the employer decreased with at least 25% compared to the average income registered during January – February 2020.
The indemnification granted by the state may be supplemented by the employer up to at least 75% of the gross wage, in accordance with the provisions of Article 53 para. (1) from the Labor Code.
Employees having several individual labor agreements, out of which at least one individual labor agreement remains active during the emergency state period, shall not benefit from the indemnification.
In case all the individual labor agreements are suspended, the above-mentioned employees shall benefit from the indemnification (the last being computed by applying the 75% to the most advantageous employment agreement).
II. Novelties regarding the documents that employers must file to the county employment agencies for the transfer of the indemnifications:
- written request (based on a standard form that shall be approved);
- a list of the employees who shall benefit of this indemnification, signed by the legal representative of the employer.
III. Novelties regarding the payment
The county employment agencies are obliged to transfer the indemnifications to the employers’ bank accounts within 15 calendar days as of the registration of their request.
The employers are obliged to pay their employees within 3 working days since the receipt of the indemnification.
This newsletter was prepared solely for general information purposes and shall not be construed in any way as legal advice. Should you find it useful and want to know more about the issues presented herein, please do not hesitate to contact us.