Legal Newsletter

Somajul tehnic pe perioada starii de urgenta

Stefan Ene – Of Counsel


23 Martie 2020

In data 21 Martie 2020, a fost publicata in Monitorul Oficial Ordonanta de Urgenta nr. 30/2020 pentru modificarea si completarea unor acte normative (“OUG nr. 30/2020”).

OUG nr. 30/2020 a intrat in vigoare la data de 21.03.2020.

I. Cine poate beneficia de prevederile OUG nr. 30/2020 referitoare la somajul tehnic?

  • a) firmele care au fost obligate in mod direct sa isi inchida activitatea pe durata starii de urgenta, cum ar fi cele din industria hoteliera, restaurante, cafenele si detin un certificat de situatii de urgenta (eliberat de catre Ministerul Economiei, Energiei şi Mediului de Afaceri);

  • b) firmele care au decis in mod voluntar sa isi reduca activitatea ca urmare a efectelor epidemiei COVID-19 si nu au capacitatea financiara de achita plata salariilor tuturor angajatilor; angajatorii pot beneficia de indemnizatia decontata de stat pentru cel mult 75% dintre angajati (i.e. din numarul total de angajati care au contracte individuale de munca active la data de 21.03.2020.

II. Valoarea indemnizatie in cazul somajului tehnic, pe perioada starii de urgenta

  • Indemnizaţiile de care beneficiază salariaţii (conditii cumulative):

    • 75% din salariul de bază corespunzător locului de muncă ocupat, dar
    • nu mai mult de 75% din caştigul salarial mediu brut prevăzut de Legea bugetului asigurărilor sociale de stat pe anul 2020 (i.e. 5.429 RON). Indemnizatia este supusa platii impozitului, respectiv a contributiilor sociale si de sanatate (mai putin contributia asiguratorie pentru munca, de 2,25%, conform prevederilor Art. 2205 din Codul Fiscal).

III. Documente pe care angajatorii trebuie sa le depuna la agentiile de ocupare a fortei de munca pentru rambursarea indemnizatiilor:

    • cerere (i.e. model standard, anexa la OUG nr. 30/2020);
    • certificatul de situatii de urgenta - doar pentru angajatorii din categoria mentionala in sectiunea I, punctul a) de mai sus;
    • o declaratie pe propria raspundere din care sa reiasa ca a inregistrat o diminuare a incasarilor, din luna anterioara depunerii declaratiei, de cel putin 25% fata de media incasarilor din perioada ianuarie – februarie 2020 si ca nu are capacitatea financiara pentru a plati toti salariatii - doar pentru angajatorii din categoria mentionala in sectiunea I, punctul b) de mai sus;
    • lista persoanelor care urmează să beneficieze de aceasta indemnizaţie, asumată de reprezentantul legal al angajatorului.

IV. Rambursarea se realizeaza in termen de 30 de zile calendaristice de la inregistrarea solicitarii angajatorului.

Acest newsletter a fost pregatit exclusiv in scop de informare generala si nu se va interpreta ca si consultanta juridica. In masura in care considerati util sa aflati mai multe despre aspectele ce fac obiectul acestui newsletter, va rugam sa ne contactati.


23 March 2020

On 21 March 2020, the Government Emergency Ordinance no 30/2020 for the amendment and completion of certain normative acts (“GEO no 30/2020”) has been published in the Romanian Official Gazette.

GEO no 30/2020 entered into force on 21 March 2020.

I. Who can benefit of the provisions of GEO no 30/2020 regarding the technical unemployment?

  • a) companies that have been directly obliged to cease their activity during the state of emergency, such as those in the hotelier industry, restaurants, coffee shops and have obtained an emergency situation certificate (issued by the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Businesses);

  • b) companies that have voluntarily chose to reduce their activity due to the effects of the COVID-19 epidemy and do not have the financial capacity to pay the salaries of their employees; employers may benefit from the reimbursement awarded by the state for a maximum of 75% of their employees (i.e. the total number of employees having active individual labor contracts at 21 March 2020).

II. The value of the indemnification in case of the technical unemployment, during the state of emergency

  • The indemnification on which the employees’ benefit (cumulative conditions):

    • 75% of gross wage corresponding to occupied position, yet
    • without exceeding 75% of the gross medium wage provided under the Social security budget law for 2020 (i.e. RON 5,429). The received indemnification is subject to taxes, social and health contributions (except the work insurance contribution of 2,25%, as per the provisions of Art. 2205 of the Fiscal Code).

III. Documents that employers must file to the county employment agencies for the reimbursement of the indemnifications

    • written request (standard form, appendix to the GEO no 30/2020);
    • emergency situation certificate – only for the employers falling under the category mentioned under Section I, letter a) above;
    • a statement proving that the income of the company decreased with at least 25% compared to the average income during January – February 2020 and that it has not the financial capacity to pay all its employees - only for the employers falling under the category mentioned under Section I, letter b) above;
    • a list with the persons that shall benefit of this indemnification assumed by the administrator of the company.

IV. Reimbursement shall be made within 30 calendar days as of the registration of the employer’s request.

This newsletter was prepared solely for general information purposes and shall not be construed in any way as legal advice. Should you find it useful and want to know more about the issues presented herein, please do not hesitate to contact us.